Liturgical Prayers

Prayer to Amun, The One and The Many

One is Amun, who keeps Himself concealed from all, who hides Himself from the gods, no one knowing His nature.

He is more remote than the firmament, He is deeper than the netherworld.

None of the gods knows His true form. His image is not unfolded in the papyrus rolls. Nothing certain is testified about Him.

He is too secret for His Majesty to be revealed, He is too great to be enquired after, too powerful to be known.

Awestruck is mankind when His Name is uttered knowingly or unknowingly. There is no god able to invoke Him by it. He is Soul-like, hidden of name, like His Secrecy.

Prayer to Amun-Ra, The Almighty

The One in his works, as with the gods. Beneficent Bull of the company of the gods. Chief of all the gods.
Lord of Truth, father of the gods, maker of men, creator of all animals, Lord of things that are, creator of the staff of life: Maker of the herbage that sustaineth the life of cattle.

Power made by Ptah, beautiful child of love. The gods ascribe praises to Him. Maker of things celestial and of things terrestrial, He illumineth Egypt, Traverser of the celestial heights in peace.

King Ra true speaker, chief of the earth. Most glorious one, Honored Lord, chief creator of the whole earth.

Prayer to Amun, Soul of the Cosmos

Self-made Amun, Creator uncreated.
Sole one, unique one, who traverses eternity.
Remote one, with millions under His care.
Your splendor is like heaven's splendor,
Your color brighter than its hues.
When You cross the sky all faces see You,
When You set out You are hidden from their sight;
Daily You give Yourself at dawn,
safe is Your sailing under Your Majesty.
In a brief day You race a course,
hundred thousands, millions of miles.
A moment is each day to You,
it has passed when You descend.
You also completed the hours of night,
You order it without pause in Your labor.
Through You do all eyes see,
they lack aim when Your Majesty sets.
When You stir to rise at dawn,
Your brightness opens the eyes of the herds;
When You set in the western mountain,
they sleep as in the state of death.

The Opening of the Mouth

My mouth is opened by Ptah,
my mouth's bonds are loosed by my leader-god.
Thoth has come fully equipped with spells,
He loosens the bonds of Set from my mouth.
Atum has given me my hands,
they are placed as guardians.

My mouth is given to me.
My mouth is opened by Ptah,
with that chisel of wood
with which he opened the mouths of the gods.
I am Sekhmet-Wadjet who dwells
in the west of heaven,
I am Sahyt among the souls of On.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

We give thanks to you.  Every soul and heart is lifted up to you, o undisturbed name honored with the name of “God” and praised with the name of “Father,” for to everyone and everything comes the fatherly kindness and affection and love and any teaching there may be that is sweet and plain, giving us mind, word, and knowledge: mind so that we may understand you, word so that we may expound you, knowledge so that we may know you.

We rejoice, having been illuminated by your knowledge.  We rejoice because you have shown us yourself.  We rejoice because while we were in the body you have made us divine through your knowledge.

The thanksgiving of the man who attains to you is one thing: that we may know you.  We have known you, o intellectual light.  O life of life, we have known you.  O womb of every creature, we have known you.  O womb pregnant with the nature of the Father, we have known you.  O eternal permanence of the begetting Father, thus have we worshiped your goodness.

There is one petition that we ask: we would be preserved in knowledge.  And there is one protection that we desire: that we not stumble in this kind of life.